
Ring Sizes, Here's How to Find Your Size at Home!

Are you ready to buy a new ring but unsure of your size? No worries, you can easily measure your ring size at home! Here are a few simple methods you can try:

  1. Use a piece of string: Wrap a piece of string or paper around the base of your finger where you want to wear the ring. Mark the spot where the string or paper overlaps and measure the length with a ruler. This measurement in millimeters is your ring size. You can then refer to a ring size chart to determine your size.

  2. Use a ring you already own: If you have a ring that fits well, you can measure its diameter with a ruler or caliper. This measurement in millimeters can then be used to determine your ring size on a chart.

  3. Order a ring sizer: You can also order a ring sizer online or from a jeweler. These handy tools allow you to measure your finger size accurately and easily.

Remember, it's important to measure your finger size when you're not too hot or too cold, as this can affect the measurement. It's also a good idea to measure your finger size at different times of day, as your fingers can swell and shrink depending on various factors like hydration, exercise, and temperature.

By using these simple methods, you can easily find your ring size at home and ensure that your new ring fits perfectly!